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Aqua Sensory

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Jo Wilson is an International Aquatic Tutor, Founder of Aqua Sensory and a Developmental Play Practitioner based in the UK, who works with babies and early years children at their two-purpose built family swim centres, Swim Works in Warwickshire.

Aqua Sensory was founded in 2013 to support the precious foundation years for babies and early years children. The Aqua Sensory program is for swim teachers for trainings, courses, and resources as it's a new pedagogy for the pool; a child-centred and developmental approach to swimming.

In the last few years Jo has noticed the demand and the need for early water classes growing. Armed with her expertise and passion she wrote a course and parent book (available on Amazon) called Bath Babies to support the smooth transition from womb to world. For any teacher looking to expand their classes to include water, this is the course for you!

With now over 100 teachers globally, Jo is delighted to share a new addition to Bath Babies called Spa Bliss, which is credited by the International Institute of Complimentary therapists and CIMSPA (the Ofsted of the Aquatic Industry). Bath Babies Spa Bliss infuses magical lost wisdoms and touches to the water, it is a very nurturing class that both baby swim teachers and parent and baby wellbeing instructors can teach. It's a great addition to portfolios, as water is such a powerful combination to heal, to connect and to feel in flow.

As a parent, Jo knows the juggle we can all face when running a business, which is why she wanted to create the perfect format of feeling supported like being part of a community with great branding and marketing support, but without the franchise price tag.

Running two successful businesses, having a solid background in aquatic tutoring and being a
chartered marketeer is a combination of expertise she always loves to share.

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