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Clever Kit Learning Boxes

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Clever Kit Learning Boxes was founded by Jude McMurray, a practicing teacher with over a decade of experience. During the school closures of 2020 and 2021, it became apparent that parents needed purposeful Literacy and Numeracy resources that are matched to the curriculum. Since then we have developed a range of resources to support children with their homework and boost their Literacy and Numeracy skills.

Our range includes Spelling Boxes to support children in Foundation Stage with their early phonics development, Times Tables Resources to support children in Key Stage 1 as they learn these essential number facts and our best-selling Numeracy Toolkit which is available for all stages of primary school. All of our learning resources are bright and colourful, interactive and fit through your letterbox – no more soggy parcels left on the doorstep.

Our 'My Homework Helper' magnets are a great fundraiser product for PTAs to support their school. Get in touch for more information.

We also have a wide range of craft activities including STEAM Boxes, Minibeast Craft Box, Space Craft Box, Lots of Love Craft Box and seasonal crafts such as Easter, Autumn and Christmas Craft Boxes.

View our full range now on our website by clicking below. You can also follow us on social media:

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