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Lott's Holistic Tots

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lott39s holistic tots

Lottie is a Baby Massage, Yoga & Storytelling Teacher, as well as a Mental Health Specialist. As a Momma of 3, a qualified teacher and a member of the British Psychological Society she wanted to share her expertise, by giving every child nurturing experiences and improving the well-being of new mummies and their families!!

Lottie's passion for empowering others with meaningful education led to the development of a holistic Early Years business, giving Mommas & their tiny tots the best start . . .

Providing Baby Massage courses, Baby Yoga courses and a developmental follow-on through a Storytelling stay & play, she is here for you and your little ones entire Early Years journey.

Considering the environment and the special individuality of each parent and child's relationship; Lottie creates a beautiful, nurturing space for parents to embrace the importance of their child's first 1001 days, the importance of touch and how to really in-still a healthy mind!

Always remembering the importance of well-being for the whole family, Lottie also offers Mental Health support through 1:1 sessions!

Thank you for taking the time to visit, don't hesitate to drop Lottie an email

Click below to visit Lottie's Instagram page!

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