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Mind Body & Bowl Nutrition

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Louise is a registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in children's health.

Poor gut health, inadequate nutrients and struggling elimination pathways are often at the root of many common children's health concerns. Improving these can change your child's health enormously because time & time again these are the missing pieces of the puzzle for your child's good health.

If you aren't getting anywhere finding the cause or you're just managing symptoms with one medication after another then exploring nutrition and gut health could be the game changer.

I work with children on a wide range of issues. I see Mum's too! You can book a free, no strings chat to see how I work & if it's right for you. Details below:

Digestive Complaints
Constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloating, reflux

Skin Conditions
Eczema, psoriasis, acne, keratosis pilaris, rashes

Allergies and Allergic Conditions
Food intolerance, asthma, eczema, hayfever

Poor Immunity
Recurring or frequent illness

Anxiety, depression, poor focus or concentration


Poor Energy
Fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, anaemia

Poor Sleep
Trouble sleeping or staying asleep

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